Baa Temple Walkthru

Temple of Baa Map

The temple is filled with devils, Clerics and Priests of Baa, and spiders of all varieties. Some preparations before entering are wise. Fire resistance, stone skin, and body resistance spells are all beneficial.

Ignore the Elevator when you first enter, it goes down but there's a one way barrier that prevents you from getting off and it just returns immediately to the top level (once at the bottom of the building you can use it to get back to the exit). Unless you're in the mood for going up and down continuously, just stay off it.

Head down the eastern spiraling ramp, at the bottom just head north until you can't go any farther, go down the stairs to the east and have it out with the High Priest and his minions. Search his body and get his cloak to return to Batholomew as proof of your deed.

There are 4 Secret doors leading to interconnecting hallways between the storage room, living quarters, and chapel. The room all the way to the north has 3 holding cells full of devils that can be opened by a panel in the center of the room. You may want to take them out with ranged attacks through the bars of the cells prior to opening the cells.
